Md.Rashidul Islam

Phone: +8801925275723
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    This is Md.Rashidul Islam. Rashed is my nikname. You can call me Rashed. I will talk about my  work.Rashed highly ambitious, doing programming from past 3 years specially on PHP, MySql, C#, Sqllite,CSS, JS, HTML. if you need any kind of information technolodgy help then dont hesitate to contcat .

    I am professional web developar and offshore outsourcing  in Rangpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am a  website design and developar high-end internet portals and websites used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world.


    It is  Professional Website design and development services, custom web application development and custom ecommerce solutions. We are the Web Designing / web development professional with excellent graphic web designing skills complying to W3C Standards. My talented team of dedicated professionals will bring together your vision and ideas into reality with creativity, technology, and marketing. It has been involved in diverse types of design and development projects including content management, social networks, and ecommerce implementations.

    Md.Rashidul Islam
    Dhaka, Mohammedpur
    Mobile: +8801925275723

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